A natural spirit

A natural spirit

Monday, February 15, 2010

To Narmada with love on Her birth'day' (not 'date')

When I walk through your side
hundreds of myths accompany me.

Hundreds of ashrams on your bank
wide their arms open to welcome me.

Hundreds of Sadhus(saints) meet me
and tell me tales describing your divine greatness.

Hundreds of trees on your banks
bend down to thank your waters.

Hundreds of birds residing your sides
fly above you
and sing songs of your beauty.

Hundreds of fish dance
on the tunes of the songs
on rainy days.

Hundreds of boats rest themselves
on sand at day's end
and chitchats with your banks till they go to bed.

Hundreds of boatmen families love you immensly
without knowing that they love you.

When I walk through
your side
I feel as secured as a child
in its mother's womb.

Narmada,you are more mother per mother.
-RR Kiran M Joshi

1 comment:

  1. great compo kiran bhai, i think much feelings flewd with your writing. in brief you took us there with narmada. Missed you there in meeting.

