A natural spirit

A natural spirit

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

At the merge of mahi with sagar...........


I am walking on a path running side by side,
There is no grass on it, the spikes that it can hide,
Than to I walk in hurry, in a hurry to get laid,
On a big rock, has colored half black, with your angry tide.
My legs are mumbling with happiness,
My heart, full of joy, become their voluntary guide,

Just one out of many, regret pinching me in my throat,
Wish I can hold my breath.

I see the lung fishes in the waves getting muddy,
As if they are enjoying your merge at side with sea,
Don’t know them though, people are waiting and feeling greedy,
I say regards to one of them, lifting it from its fin,
It pounds air like just came here and saw someone creepy,
By throwing it in you, I think I never had a wish come easily,

Just one out of many, regret pinching me in my throat,
Wish I can hold my breath.

Then I remember the fairy tale of mermaid, cruising in sea,
She had a wish, to have legs, bring her to love, losing her flea,
I felt if I had a chance, I would trade with her, the half of me,
Just to cruise like the lung fish, just had greeted,
To feel your bubbles on the underneath of my fin,

Just one out of many, regret pinching me in my throat,
Wish I can hold my breath.

I just stare at your waves, going fast and merging with him,
As he is also ready to feel the passion in you, so special and keen,
I see the running tides of his making you salty and sweet,
And I think how it would feel to my tongue and I sneeze,
I spray the small drops in to your both, warm air,
A faulty try to make it humid and dencer to lair,

Just one out of many, regret pinching me in my throat,
Wish I can hold my breath.

I doubt and regret the evolution of mankind,
What was the need to come out of you?
While everything was there in both of you to find,
I still breathe out the respiration, making climate to get grind,
It wouldn’t have been a guilt trip to make,
If we had a chance to live a life, with both of you inside,

Just one out of many, regret pinching me in my throat,
Wish I can hold my breath.

A wish, just a wish, nothing else, but still…….
Just one out of many, regret pinching me in my throat,
Wish I can hold my breath.

Wish I had gills to breath, wish I could dive in you till death,
Just one out of many, regret pinching me in my throat,
Wish I can hold my breath. Wish I can hold my breath.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Kiran,
    Here is the link for one of the memorable river song (on Ganga) from film 'Kabuliwala'-ganga aaye kahan se, ganga jaye kahan se..
    And of course, how one can forget SDBurman's maajhi songs?

